Daily Prompt

Spirituality [Daily Prompt]

How important is spirituality in your life?

Does being religious mean being spiritual or vice versa? Or are these two indepent.

I do try to connect to be with a higher power, the universe, nature or even inner wisdom.

For me spirituality means the following:

  1. Sense of inner peace and purpose.
  2. Source of comfort and relief during difficult times.
  3. Better mental health, enhancing quality of life.
  4. Higher self-esteem, optimism and good relationships.

Life throws curve balls every once in a while. And from my own experience, I think reaching out to the higher connection has helped me put things past me and look forward, look at the bigger picture, look ahead, look at the present, look at what has always been there, but I have not really ever looked at!

Daily Prompt

Always Something Else [Daily Prompt]

How do you waste the most time every day?

I admit that I have become notorious to finding something else to waste my precious time on! The only ‘intangible’ which is the most valuable and can not be saved to be used later! (that’s my view).

However, while thinking about the said subject today, I realised that there are things which I thought I was spending too much time on, but in essence these things bring me value and joy, for example my personal finance excel spreadsheets 💱, watching cricket or football or any good game, exploring and meeting people (I thought I was an introvert 🧐).

Didn’t help, (I think): I am off Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.

Did help, (definitely): Working, I am on semi-retirement and I believe that there is no way anyone can be busy for 8 hours everyday.

1. I don’t like gossiping but I do get sucked in somehow and then I am like, WTF, what am I doing!

2. YouTube, but I do derive value out of it, so I don’t know if that’s wasted time.

3. Local pub, as I love my beer (I will die with a case 😀) but I read at that time or try to socialise as we are still new in the country/community, that’s how I justify it.

4. Reading news, sometimes I do question myself why does it matter and then something in me tells me, it’s good to know what’s happening.

5. Pleasing others, that’s the most useless ways of even wasting time!

So that’s my take today on this very interesting and introspective prompt!

Daily Prompt

If I can, all! [Daily Quote]

What countries do you want to visit?

I have read so many quotes and watched inspirational videos on travel and visiting countries that it just overwhelms me to know how less have I seen in this beautiful world.

“Traveling — it gives you home in a thousand strange places, then leaves you a stranger in your own land.” – Ibn Battuta

I do have some prioritised on my bucket list: Japan, the Scandanavian countries, Russia, there are some EU countries I have not yet been to, Nepal, South Korea, Peru. [Australia/New Zealand – once again, have not had enough].

Let’s just keep the list small for now, and stop dreaming 🙂

Daily Prompt

Never Say Never [Daily Quote]

How do you want to retire?

At one point in life I loved to work so much (I still do) that I had said to myself I will never retire.

Well, there is a reason why there is this saying ‘Never Say Never’.

At age 47, i am currently experiencing self chosen semi-retirement, for the last five months now. But I do plan to go back to work and am exploring my options.

I am fortunate and grateful that all the grind I did or life made me do it, in my early years paid off and I was able to take this step. But i also thank my wife who is working and supported me in my decision.

So my answer to ‘How do you want to retire?’ is to be able to retire on my own.

Daily Prompt

Favourite Moment! [Daily Prompt]

Describe one of your favorite moments.

I took some time to think about this one.

While at it, many things came to my mind and I realised how fulfilling my life has been that I don’t have one but so many moments which were my favourites!

Life has not been a bed of roses but it has not been a bed full of thorns too.

But one moment stood out, when I surprised my parents by handing them the papers for our appartement after paying off the mortgage, I thank the almighty for making me a reason for their joy enabling them to live the few remaining years of their lives without being under debt (no one owned their shelter).

But that’s just one of my favs 😀

Daily Prompt

Needs & Wants [Daily Prompt]

What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

Is ‘relationship’ a thing? If yes then on my priorities list that comes first.

Second on my list, equally are (I) the ability to be mobile (to move around) and (II) the ability to be cognitive (sometimes I fail but that’s part of the process).

En plus, I need food, water, simple clothes, a comfortable and safe shelter, and money to fund these and to create/earn money I somewhat need the ‘Internet’.

Lately I have noticed a change in me (positive or negative, I do not know), I am becoming very conscious about understanding what is a ‘Need’ and what is a ‘Want’.

Would love to know others views on my opinions (oh I have also become a lot more opinionated).

Daily Prompt

3 Books [Daily Prompt]

List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This book changed the course of my life and financial wellbeing for the better. I have read it three times and every time I have learned something different on the same subject.

2. The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak

This book has helped me in many ways, in improving my way of life and thinking. To become a better human, and I think it made me able to come closer to the Creator and His creations. So far I have read it two times and have lent it out at present.

3. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Having read two times, this magical, mysterious, metaphysical yet realistic book is full of riddles, solutions of which will be different to each reader. This book taught me the meaning of nothingness yet being abundant.

Daily Prompt

Unplugged yet Plugged [Daily Prompt]

How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?

Parc Ahuntsic-Cartierville

With life and its demands, there has been very little to no time to really sit and soak in or admire tranquility.

(My wife will hate me after reading this 😀): I knew that I liked to be alone, sit alone, talk to myself or just watch my surroundings. Probably my smokes being my only companion.

Since I have had the privilege to live in mega cities where one can only find oneself surrounded by concrete structures, my fondness of green open spaces grew bigger and grander.

I am presently sitting in a park, jotting down my thoughts, I see the patches of sunshine on the ground; psithurism, the sound of wind blowing through trees and the rustling of leaves; people walking, jogging or just sitting; squirrels jumping around and the chirping of the birds hiding in the trees.

I am unplugged but yet plugged 🔌

Daily Prompt

Religion & Me [Daily Prompt]

Do you practice religion?

To begin with, I’d say ‘Yes’ & ‘No’ – or one may say ‘I am confused & stupid’!

Born and brought up as a Hindu, studied in a Christian school, grew up and national of a country where Islam is the official religion, mother used to work for a Zoroastrian family, worked and am friends with people practicing Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Ahmedis, Ismailis, Bohras, Atheists, etcetera, etcetera.

Last Sunday I attended a mass at the St. Joseph’s oratory in Montreal, last Friday I was offering the Friday prayers at the nearby mosque, sometime during last week paid my respects at the Hindu temple and Sikh gurdwara, all in Montreal.

Then I talk to myself or the trees or the wind or water or the clouds or the sky…trying to reach out to God, because my belief is that the almighty is within me and everywhere; the different houses of God were made by man, so I pay my respects by visiting these religious places.

I practice the many rituals but then try not to which don’t make sense to me, many things don’t!

So I don’t know whether just believing in the Almighty as being religious or confusion or stupidity!

May we all be happy!

Daily Prompt

‘Past’ it is just that! [Daily Prompt]

Do you remember life before the internet?

‘Internet’ is a a global network! Prior to that we only had local networks which didn’t get disconnected due to electricity breakdown, or a cable under the sea got damaged, etcetera.

I loved playing cricket, and I used to play with myself. Simple, find a wall, throw the ball to the wall and it comes back and I needed to play the ball with the bat in my hand. I played and played with commentary in my head. It’s a four, it’s a six! Just like it’s in the T20 cricket matches.

I loved reading ‘The Hardy Boys’, ‘Nancy Drew’, ‘Famous Five’, newspaper, making my mind drift to the locations and unseen scenery.

I used to play with my dinky cars imagining wonders, when it rained, and when it was dry.

Here comes the ‘Internet’, I sit in front of the screen. Still alone, I input my wants/thoughts and i get a return response.

Now I play with the wall which isn’t there! Still on my own!

But it’s not all doom and gloom. By way of the Internet I found opportunities, I found new lands, new ways to connect and read about other important things, I got to educate myself.

There is always a plus or minus for anything and anyone!

Present is what ‘it is’!