Daily Prompt

Always Something Else [Daily Prompt]

How do you waste the most time every day?

I admit that I have become notorious to finding something else to waste my precious time on! The only ‘intangible’ which is the most valuable and can not be saved to be used later! (that’s my view).

However, while thinking about the said subject today, I realised that there are things which I thought I was spending too much time on, but in essence these things bring me value and joy, for example my personal finance excel spreadsheets 💱, watching cricket or football or any good game, exploring and meeting people (I thought I was an introvert 🧐).

Didn’t help, (I think): I am off Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.

Did help, (definitely): Working, I am on semi-retirement and I believe that there is no way anyone can be busy for 8 hours everyday.

1. I don’t like gossiping but I do get sucked in somehow and then I am like, WTF, what am I doing!

2. YouTube, but I do derive value out of it, so I don’t know if that’s wasted time.

3. Local pub, as I love my beer (I will die with a case 😀) but I read at that time or try to socialise as we are still new in the country/community, that’s how I justify it.

4. Reading news, sometimes I do question myself why does it matter and then something in me tells me, it’s good to know what’s happening.

5. Pleasing others, that’s the most useless ways of even wasting time!

So that’s my take today on this very interesting and introspective prompt!

By Kirtan Varasia

I am a writer (novice) and explorer, wanting to share poetry, essays, and short stories on my website. I am not aiming for perfection but rather to express my views and thoughts. My life revolves around finance, building a dividend portfolio, hustling for extra income, and exploring various aspects of life.

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