Daily Prompt

If I can, all! [Daily Quote]

What countries do you want to visit?

I have read so many quotes and watched inspirational videos on travel and visiting countries that it just overwhelms me to know how less have I seen in this beautiful world.

“Traveling — it gives you home in a thousand strange places, then leaves you a stranger in your own land.” – Ibn Battuta

I do have some prioritised on my bucket list: Japan, the Scandanavian countries, Russia, there are some EU countries I have not yet been to, Nepal, South Korea, Peru. [Australia/New Zealand – once again, have not had enough].

Let’s just keep the list small for now, and stop dreaming 🙂

By Kirtan Varasia

I am a writer (novice) and explorer, wanting to share poetry, essays, and short stories on my website. I am not aiming for perfection but rather to express my views and thoughts. My life revolves around finance, building a dividend portfolio, hustling for extra income, and exploring various aspects of life.

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