
Financial Freedom? Myth or Reality (Part 4 – Conclusion) – [Essay]

In Part 1 of this series of essays on the above subject, I had highlighted the humungous rise of material on the internet about side hustles, making money online, how to create passive income, this that and the other. But I also did mention, that not all the material out there is worthless. There is a lot of good, educational, and practical learning available to anyone who wants to learn.

YouTube is one such place which is full of education, knowledge, learning, inspirational talks, motivational video’s, maths, science, language, etcetera. You type what you are looking for in the search bar and I am 99% sure you will find something to address your need.

In Part 2 of the series, I had established 4 questions to make it easy for everyone to understand the difference between a business and a person.

It is anyone’s guess after reading Parts 1, 2 and 3 that logically there is not much difference, but both are exact replicas of each other.

One may say, there is a difference i.e. a person eats, sleeps, takes shower etcetera. For arguments sake, I agree to that but then my thinking tells me that a business does the same but in a different manner i.e. it eats resources, enabling it to produce products and services; it organises and re-organises itself to clean itself from unnecessary processes; it becomes sick when business slows down and thereafter it either re-energises and comes back with a bang or just fails and falters off.

I am sure you must have read this in various different ways, but the meaning is the same, i.e. you fall and you rise again; you fail and you learn; without failure you don’t know what success is; and the list goes on…

In a business, one needs to invest (time, dollar, resources, knowledge, etcetera). As a human, we need to invest (resources = nutrition, education, awareness; time = to research, focus, dollar to buy nutrition or education). I hope I have been above to establish and help you visualise that a human being and a business is not very different.

CategoryBusiness &/Or Person
Revenue/SalarySelling products/services
Operating Expense/Living expensesExpenses to generate products/services
Profit (Revenue – Expenses)Profit if revenue is higher than expenses and vice versa

If we understand the above concept, then it is easy for us to focus on how to make ourselves profitable in cash terms as well as in peacefulness. Focus on what is important in our lives.

Changing one’s mindset is the beginning, instead of saying ‘I can not do this, or I can not afford this’, ask ‘How can I do this or how can I afford this’.

One of the lessons I have learnt in my career and jobs is that ‘What’ is important but ‘How’ is more important than that.

Financial Freedom is a reality but only after one overcomes the myth.

I know a few people who have used their skills to come up with material on YouTube, Instagram, and other channels, from which they earn as well as get known. I give them credit and learn from them, rather than envying them.

All we need is positivity. Every failure, every rejection has a silver lining, which we do not necessarily recognize at that moment. I know and understand the feeling a person has when he/she is unemployed (I have been in the same situation). I had a choice, self pity or look for opportunities and push myself.

Even after understanding the concept of financial freedom, I am yet to achieve it, but I can say that I overcome the first part. Now it is time to act to achieve the goal. Nothing happens overnight, and everything happens at the right time.

Wishing you all success (how do you define success is another topic for another day).

Hope I have been able to help a few, if not many, with this series.


Please share your views and opinions in the comments below. My purpose to expand my horizons by connecting to the people of this world.


This article is for informational, discussion, reference or reading purposes only. There is no set Financial or Legal Advice. All information may not be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.

By Kirtan Varasia

I am a writer (novice) and explorer, wanting to share poetry, essays, and short stories on my website. I am not aiming for perfection but rather to express my views and thoughts. My life revolves around finance, building a dividend portfolio, hustling for extra income, and exploring various aspects of life.

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